Colloquia Series


All talks are held from 11:30-1pm in Shepard Hall Room 107, and are hosted by the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program @ CCNY.

2018-2019 Colloquia Series

Date SpeakerTitle9/4/2018Joseph Reynoso  10/9/2018Gillian Scott-Ward 11/13/2018David GreenanResiliency-Focused Family Therapy12/4/2018Catherine Monk: Research Day 2/5/2019Elizabeth Brondolo 3/12/2019Tracy Prout 4/9/2019Perry Halkitis

2017-2018 Colloquia Series

Date SpeakerTitle10/10/2017Silvia Mazzula, John Jay College 11/17/2017Kevin Nadal, John Jay College 12/5/2017Nadine Kaslow, Emory University 2/13/2018Siri Hustvedt 3/13/2018Judy Roth 4/10/2018Chris Christian, The New School

2016-2017 Colloquia Series

Date SpeakerTitle11/8/2016Walter Bockting, Columbia Universtity 12/6/2016
Beatrice Beebe, Columbia University 2/14/2017Miriam Steele, The New SchoolAttachment and the Body Representations: How do they connect?​